Service After Sale

Service After Sale

Recycling Equipment Service/Maintenance

For years people have been telling me to downsize our operation, get lean, reduce your overhead and while these are all good suggestions for some companies it really doesn’t benefit our customers. Nor does it fit our goal to be the best value added partner to our customers.  We would be like many of our competitors operating out of an office and subcontracting our customers service needs to a third party that we have little to no control over.

That is why since I started Ely Enterprises over 35 years ago our goal was to be a full service provider. Because it gives our customers the greatest value for their equipment investment! When you invest in recycling system for your business you want to know that the supplier is going to be able to support your needs before, during and after the sale. The key word being after the sale. You want to make sure your equipment is kept in top notch condition both in performance and safety.

One service truck can cost well over $90,000 to build and equip with the tools and parts needed to keep our customers up and running. Additionally the people responding to service requests are equally if not more important. It would be like going to a Doctor who has never performed a knee replacement but watch a video of one once. I don’t know about you but I want the service team that has over 100 years of combined experience working on this equipment. Sure it might be an extra $10 per hour but isn’t that worth it if the equipment is fixed right the first time and in the fewest amount of hours.

That’s why I’d suggest taking a peak behind the proverbial curtain and see what support the company you are considering offers. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said over 200 years ago “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten”!