For over 100 years, Harris has been an industry leader in manufacturing scrap recycling and processing equipment. They have units for any application you have. Because of our renewed relationship with Harris Waste, we are able to service and sell the full line of Harris Ferrous Equipment.
Some of the applications that Harris Scrap Machines can handle are:
Auto Scrap
Steel Mill Scrap
Pipe and Plate
No.1 Heavy Melt Scrap
No.2 Heavy Melt Scrap
Selected sections of freight cars and ship scrap
Stainless Sheet
Factory Clips & Skeletons
Shapes & Wire
Various Metals (Copper, Aluminum Sheet)
Harris Ferrous Scrap equipment has something that will match your solutions for any application you have.
At your service since 1981, let Ely Enterprises assist you with your service and equipment needs. Through our partnership with Harris Waste, we can offer the full range of ferrous scrap processing equipment.