18 Apr Scrap Metal Shears for Sale
Today we are going to talk about scrap shears and their function in the ferrous recycling process. Shears can come in many different sizes and configurations. The main function of shears is used for sizing all types of bulky material down to a marketable, manageable size.
First we will talk about alligator shears and the important role they play for metal recyclers by cutting things down to size – literally – enabling shredders to handle oversized materials that would otherwise be difficult or sometimes impossible to digest. Alligator shears also allow the recycler to “clean” or prepare scrap for shredding by removing unwanted fittings or other parts the shredder may not accept.
Large stationary and mobile shears can be supplied with a squeeze box that will compress bulky material down to a size that will fit into the throat of the shear. They will shear material into a more manageable size for mills and end users. Shear/Logger/Balers are designed to cut scrap metal using a guillotine system powered by hydraulic energy, or log or bale the material.
For more information on scrap shears please call 216-252-8090.