Reconditioning Recycling Equipment Helps Your Bottom Line

Reconditioning Recycling Equipment Helps Your Bottom Line

A major part of purchasing equipment is deciding on whether to go the new or used route.  Today we will focus on the used side, with an emphasis on reconditioning.  Finding the right piece of equipment is important for your operation, finding a unit that will withstand the rigors of everyday use is just as important.  Especially with the downturn in the commodity markets recently, taking a piece of equipment and reconditioning it is the most cost effective way to go.  Of course there are bargains to be had when finding recycling equipment, whether it is on EBay, Craigslist or from an auction, a word of caution, make sure the unit you are getting, usually these pieces of equipment are sold As Is with no warranty of any kind.

A huge part of what we do at Ely Enterprises is reconditioning equipment.  Recently we had an automotive company in the area send us 7 balers.  Out of those units they decided to have us recondition 4 of them.  This was no easy task, they were older units and in need of a lot of work, after going over the machines and assessing what needed repair we got to work.  The unit’s cylinders were repacked, they were rewired and new electrical panels were installed, and all wear parts that needed replacing were replaced.  When that was all wrapped up they received fresh coats of paint.  They will be reinstalled in the facility in the next couple weeks.

This reconditioning saved the customer on the purchase of new units.  As I said earlier especially in a market that is down, reconditioning is a viable option.  For information on reconditioning your equipment, please call 216-252-8090.