Horizontal Baler Machine: Manual vs. Auto-Tie

The new normal for recycled paper stock might bring greater price stability and a stronger domestic market in the upcoming years.

An auto-tie horizontal baler can help companies increase efficiencies, promote greater workplace safety and recover money selling waste materials instead of spending on waste hauling. A facility processing at least 50 tons per month can positively benefit from switching to an auto-tie horizontal baler over using manual ties.


The available labor pool for hands-on work is steadily diminishing. The salary and benefits even for a manual labor position can add up quickly. An automated system never runs continuously without pause and can produce and process bales four to five times faster than manual baling.


The fully automated auto-tie horizontal baler makes a bale with better quality than a manually tied bale. A better-quality bale has greater marketability and potential profitability.


The industry standard is 12-gauge wire for tying bales. Wire ends are sharp and the bales are heavy. An automated system improves plant safety by reducing human contact with the wires and bales themselves.


Wire costs are lower for an automatic tie machine than a manual tie. Preformed wires for manual baling are packaged 125 to 250 pieces per bundle. Automatic systems pull from a continuous spool of wire with considerably greater volume per spool when compared to preformed, bundled wire loop pieces. Economies of scale with a wire spool reduces material costs.

Return on investment

A conservative estimate projects a minimum ten-year lifespan for an automatic baler with the greater likelihood it will provide twenty to thirty years’ worth of service.

Customers buying a rebuilt or used unit should make sure all safety features are included with the machine and in proper working order. At Ely Enterprises, every machine adheres to industry safety standards before they leave the plant.

We have built a reputation in the industry as a value-added provider. Our engineers can assist with design and recommendations for features that will supply the best fit for individual baling situations.

Turnkey installation is a complete package, from shipping to installation and service after the sale. Ely Enterprises even has its own trucks to streamline delivery. Learn more about our horizontal balers or contact us to discuss your specific scrap volume.